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Pharmer Wellness

anti inflammatory diet

High-Protein Savory Breakfast Bowl (Gluten-Free & Vegan)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but about 1/4 of people skip breakfast. And even if you are eating breakfast you may end up in the...
leaky gut probiotics

Benefits of Switching Probiotics for Better Gut Health

Should You Switch Up Your Probiotics? A probiotic supplement is a product containing live beneficial bacteria or yeasts that support gut hea...
heart healthy tomato soup

Heart-Healthy Habits: Fasting, Foods & Smart Choices

February is Heart Health Month, a time to reflect on one of the most important organs in our bodies—and often the one we take for granted until som...
sugar detox recipes

Sugar Free Breakfast: Coconut Chia Pudding

The age old saying "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" really is true. How you start out the day, doesn't always dictate the outcome,...
no sugar challenge

Hidden Sources of Sugar: How to Spot Them and Avoid Added Sugars

Did you know that the average person eats nearly DOUBLE the recommended amount of added sugar daily? That’s nearly 17 teaspoons of sugar. And no th...
anti inflammatory diet

Hidden Inflammation Triggers: News, Negativity & Lifestyle Factors Explained

Eliminating inflammation isn't just about diet. Inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism, helping us heal from injuries and fight off ...
nontoxic bakeware

Safe Bakeware Guide: Nontoxic Materials & Healthier Alternatives

The Problem with Conventional Bakeware Conventional bakeware can present significant health risks due to the materials used in its constru...
non toxic kitchen utensils

Non-Toxic Cooking Utensils: Safer Alternatives for a Healthy Kitchen

Why Upgrade? Plastic and nylon utensils, common in many kitchens, can pose significant health risks, particularly when exposed to heat, fat, or ...
toxin free living

Safe Cutting Boards: Nontoxic Materials & Best Options to Buy

Cutting boards are essential kitchen tools, but the materials used to create them matter. Many conventional plastic cutting board...
how to form healthy habits

How to Make New Healthy Habits: Proven Psychology-Backed Methods

Building healthy habits can feel like a daunting task. For years, we believed it only took 21 days to form a new habit. However, modern research h...
non stick toxic cookware

Non-Toxic Cookware Guide: Safe Materials, Top Picks & Tips

Cooking at home is not only healthier than dining out but also empowers you to take full control of your nutrition. By preparing your own meals,...
How organic farming improves food quality and health

Hidden Costs of Conventional Farming & Why Organic is the Solution

The True Cost of Conventional Farming Farming sustains our food system, but not all farming is created equal. Conventional farming relies on chemic...