My name is: Lisa Malin
I’m a: Certified Health and Wellness Coach, mother, daughter, sister, partner and friend.
I did my training at: The Mayo Clinic and Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I also hold a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University and studied nutrition with Kerry Glassman, RD, RDN, CDN, through Nutritious Life Studio.
I became a wellness coach because: I learned from my own wellness journey that we have much more control over our own health and well-being than we believe. As a coach, I love partnering with individuals to help them gain the self-awareness, confidence and strategies they need to unlock the door to habit change and create a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle that works for them long-term. It is also worth mentioning here that the leading cause of death and disability in this country is lifestyle driven, chronic disease. I believe coaching can play a vital role in helping people prevent disease and reclaim their health.
My non-negotiable wellness habits are: Drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday, moving my body and spending time outdoors, loading up on veggies and lots of greens and trying to prioritize sleep. Gratitude is another one: Trying to track the positive and see learning opportunities and silver linings in life’s challenges.
My morning routine goes something like this: I’m usually the first one of my crew up in the morning, which gives me a little quiet time before the morning rush. I brush my teeth, wash my face, do a simple skincare routine (serum, moisturizer and sunscreen) and drink 16 ounces of water before I head downstairs to grab some morning snuggles with our family dog, Sadie. Then I grab Sadie’s leash and we are out the door for a long walk.
* I fill up my water bottle the night before and leave it on my nightstand to ensure I drink water first thing in the morning, before coffee.
What do you always have in your fridge: Lots of non-starchy veggies and boxed baby greens. I usually have glass-lock containers filled with chopped raw veggies and roasted or steamed veggies to simplify meal time. We always have plain Greek and coconut yogurt in the fridge as well as almond milk, oat milk, fresh fruit, nuts/seeds, Rao’s marinara sauce, and fermented veggies.
Who do you turn to for coaching and accountability? In terms of health and wellness, I turn to my health care providers. I work with integrative doctors who help provide the extra structure and accountability I sometimes need to move forward. Friends really help with exercise goals because we walk and take classes together.
Go-to Breakfast: Most days it’s a smoothie, loaded with greens. But I always listen to my body. Sometimes I want something warm like a bowl of oatmeal or eggs with spinach and avocado.
Lunch is: Always a really big, colorful salad with protein and healthy fats. I add lots of seeds and/or chopped nuts, avocado, and legumes to fill me up. When I need something a little heavier or have some leftovers hanging out in the fridge, I will add some animal protein and/or whole grains/starchy veggies to my bowl.
Dinner is: usually a family affair. We usually have roasted veggies, some starchy carbs (grains or sweet/roasted potatos) and protein (chicken, fish, turkey meatballs, tofu). We also love a lentil bolognese or chickpea stew over whole grain pasta and a big salad and veggie side.
Favorite on-the-go Snacks: For portable snacks, I like things I can throw in my bag and that stay fresh. I am not a fan of protein bars, so for me it’s usually nuts/seeds, dried fruit (apricots), homemade trail mix, fresh fruit, and carrot sticks. If I have a little cooler, I may add some hummus, cut up veggies and seeded crackers, like mary’s.
My favorite way to get my sweat on is: Spinning, pilates and long walks with our dog, Sadie. I love a long walk with friends too. It’s the perfect way to socialize and do something good for your body/mind at the same time!
For me, self-care means: Eating well, moving my body and prioritizing my health. Recently, I’ve been trying to listen more to my body and see what it needs.
How I deal with stress: Moving my body and getting outside in nature is key for me. Combining the two is simply the best way to reduce stress and feel replenished!
Best organization hacks:
Organization is a daily habit. Try to do small things each day that create organization and reduce clutter, so you don’t end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed. When that doesn’t work or you really need to get in there and do some serious clean-up:
Focus on one project at a time: Think pantry or kitchen drawer, rather than the entire kitchen. Finish that one project and move on to the next.
Don't hold onto things you don’t use, wear or need. They take up valuable real estate in your home and create visual overload. Donate them to someone who will use them and love them.
Best Mindfulness tip: Slow down. Breathe, Do one thing at a time. Oops, that’s three!
On a Sunday night, you can find me: Enjoying a family dinner at home and looking at my calendar to see what’s on deck for the week ahead.
If I had known then what I know now, I would tell my younger self: It’s all going to be okay! Don’t worry so much!
Words to live by/life philosophy:
“We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control our response to the world and people around us. Focus on that and you will feel in control and free.
“Take care of your health. You have only one life and it’s precious!”
I also love this quote by Viktor E. Frankl, that was recently shared with me by Dr. Susan Blum:
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
There is so much wisdom in this quote!
Where can we find you? On Instagram @thisisgrounded and on my website!
Your website is fantastic. I loved reading Lisa Malin’s lightning round on your blog. The insights about organic living and health are both enlightening and inspiring. Keep up the great work of sharing treasured information and promoting a more healthy lifestyle. We look forward to extra engaging content from Organic Pharmer!
Where will I find information about re-Balance: the program, cost, etc?