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Healthy Breakfast with Protein Shakes | Organic Pharmer

Healthy Breakfast Protein Shakes

Breakfast is a meal that can get overlooked, disregarded, and a little repetitive; especially when you don’t have a lot of time. A healthy breakfast is an important beginning that can set you up for healthy decisions all day long. 

You may be wondering - is a protein shake good for breakfast?

healthy vegan protein shake

Well that depends on what type of protein shake. Having a protein shake for breakfast can be a great way to boost your protein and fiber intake and start your day with a delicious and nutritious meal. It can also be a sugar pit that wreaks havoc on your body. The key to a healthy, quick, and easy plant based protein shake is proper nutrition. Make sure you are getting enough protein, fiber, veggies, and limit the fruit. This will ensure you start your morning off on a healthy path, but the best time to drink protein shakes aren’t just reserved for morning. They’re also great for lunch and after workouts. 

Why Drink A Protein Shake?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps build and repair muscles, support immune function, and regulate hormones. While many people think that animal products are the only or best sources of protein, there are plenty of plant-based options that can provide adequate and high-quality protein. Some examples are soy, pea, hemp, rice, and oat proteins, which are often used to make vegan protein powders. Plant based proteins are great ways to use healthy nutrition to heal chronic disease. You can protect your gut microbiome with food like plant based protein shakes added into your daily diet by getting an array of vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruits. 

Vegan protein shakes are convenient and satisfying ways to consume plant-based protein. They can be blended with water, plant milk, or juice, and customized with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, or other ingredients to suit your taste and nutritional needs. They can also help you feel full for longer, which can prevent overeating and cravings later in the day. It’s also a great way to meet your daily intake of veggies and fruits without even realizing it! 

At Organic Pharmer we mask all of our healing herbs and powders in our line of Protein Shakes so you are getting optimal nutrition and maximizing healing potential. Getting familiar with making protein shakes at home will even aid you in when you choose a functional cleanse. Part of preparing for your cleanse is about the food you eat leading up to a cleanse. Healthy vegan protein shakes for breakfast is a great start toward preparing! You can do this at home too!

Below are some recipes to inspire you. As always we recommend making organic protein shakes that are gluten, dairy, corn, soy and egg free for their inflammation calming abilities. You can also make low carb protein shakes and keto protein shake alternatives by substituting the banana for cauliflower.

Some vegan protein shake recipes to try

Whether you want it for breakfast, lunch, or post working out here are some great recipes to start with. All of the recipes are made as dairy free protein shakes that fall in line with our recommendations for anti-inflammatory eating.

when is the best time to drink your protein shake

- Chocolate peanut butter banana protein shake. Blend 1 scoop of chocolate vegan protein powder, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, ½ a frozen banana, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, as much spinach as you can shove in the blender, ½ tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp turmeric powder, ½ tsp black pepper, 1 tsp flax seeds and some ice cubes until smooth and  creamy.

- Raspberry vanilla shake. Blend 1 scoop of vanilla vegan protein powder, 1 cup of unsweetened soy milk, ½ cup of frozen strawberries, handful of frozen greens, 1 tsp chia seeds and some ice cubes until smooth and frothy.

vegan protein shake with alpha green

- Green Protein Shake without Powder  - 1 scoop of Green Kingdom Epic Protein Powder 1 avocado, 1 banana, 12 fl oz of water, 1 Alpha Green Botanical Beverage, 4 curly kale leaves, handful baby spinach, knob of ginger, knob of turmeric, 1 tsp black pepper, ½ of a lemon. 

Once you get the basics down give it a whirl and have some fun with it. Mix up the veggies and fruits and most importantly have fun =). 

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