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Little Pharmers™ Photo Contest | Organic Pharmer

We've made it fun for your kids to eat healthier this back-to-school season!

Join us all month long for a photo contest encouraging kids to eat healthy snacks.

Snap a photo of 'your little pharmer' eating a healthy snack.
It could be something healthy you have at home or from Organic Pharmer.

Post the photo to your INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK page and tag us, and include the hashtag #littlepharmers under your photo.

Come into Organic Pharmer anytime during the month of September, show us your photo and tags, and we'll give you a free Little Pharmers™ snack.

1 Grand-Prize winner will receive a week's supply of Little Pharmers™ Lunch-packs!
3 lucky 'little pharmers' will win free Little Pharmers™ t-shirts!

Do your kids have a favorite healthy after-school snack?
Post your comments below and have a healthy and fun September!

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