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10 Tips for an Effective & Healthy Cleanse | Organic Pharmer

By Culinary Director and Chef Darleen Gross

During the year we get sucked into daily life and are very busy finding ourselves overindulging, thereby weakening our immune systems. While celebrations and vacations are highly anticipated and well deserved, they are often marred by fatigue and sickness. Don’t let that happen to you, give your body a break and boost your immune system with a functional cleanse.

Now here’s the tricky part….how to fit a cleanse into an already busy month? The answer is plan ahead, pick your days and mark it on your calendar. At Organic Pharmer we have created a few options for cleansing, 1, 3 or 5+ days to fit into your schedule. Another great way to stay healthy is to stay on a schedule, choose a functional cleanse subscription to make your cleansing (almost) effortless!

Remember that for optimal benefit you’ll want to prepare yourself a day or more ahead of your cleanse, depending on the number of days you choose, will tell you how many days in advance to prepare for. The rule of thumb is that for each day you will be on the cleanse you should add a day of preparation before and a day of easing off at the end. This may sound like a lot but trust me, your body will thank you for your dedication and devotion.

Now, my gift to you are 10 tips on how to make your cleanse the most effective! These tips apply to your preparation, cleanse and easing off days.

  1. Start your morning off with some warm lemon water to stimulate your liver and kickstart the detox process.

  2. Replace coffee or caffeinated tea with green or herbal teas.

  3. Eliminate sugar, dairy, refined carbohydrates and alcohol.

  4. Eat lighter foods like soups, salads or lightly cooked vegetables and limit animal proteins.

  5. Do gentle exercise like yoga, rebounding or walking outside for 20 – 30 min daily.

  6. Dry brushing for 10 minutes before your shower will stimulate your lymph glands and help your body release toxins.

  7. Water, herbal tea, vegetable broth (like our Vegan "Bone" Broth) or raw coconut water all great options for keeping hydrated.

  8. Strengthen your digestion with probiotics. We offer a Happy Gut botanical beverage that is good to have anytime!

  9. Keep a daily journal, noting any changes in your body and mind and emotions. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn about yourself.

  10. Most importantly, acknowledge yourself for taking time to strengthen your body and thank yourself for the gift of health!

Want to know more about Organic Pharmer's Functional Cleanses? We have additional information in our Guide to Cleansing on our wellness blog.

Happy Healthy

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