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Q&A Mica Diamond Life Coach | Organic Pharmer

Welcome to the G x OP Wellness Round, a lightning round-style interview series where wellness warriors share their personal routines, preferences, and non-negotiable wellness habits.

Wellness Round: Getting personal with Life Coach, Mica Diamond.
by Lisa Malin @thisisgrounded

My name is: Mica Diamond.

I am a: 
Professional Life Coach, mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend.

My non-negotiable wellness habits are: Time for myself.  Taking time out is not selfish, rather it is self-preservation. Without self-care, we will not be there for our family, career and friends.

I wake up each day at: 6am, the morning is my favorite time of the day.

The first thing I do in the morning is: Snuggle my Golden Retriever, Gus.

Do you have a morning routine? Yes! Having a routine gets the day off to a good start.  Morning exercise, a healthy breakfast and some calm quiet time to review my plan, calendar and intentions for the day.  This sets the stage for a great day filled with a balance of work, fitness, connection and downtime.  

My morning beverage of choice is: Coffee and a big glass of water.

Go-to Breakfast: Breakfast is either scrambled eggs and a slice of whole wheat toast or a bowl of GoLean cereal.

Lunch: Lunch is usually a big green salad with grilled chicken.  Sometimes a turkey sandwich on whole wheat if I’m on the go.

Snacks: I always have a small ziploc with raw almonds with me.  If I’m home, some whole wheat crackers with peanut butter are a go-to snack.

Dinner is often: Some form of protein and salad.  Turkey chili is a favorite in the winter.  A good burger on a bed of salad is also a favorite!

My favorite way to get my sweat on: Running and cycling when the weather permits.  A good indoor spin class always feels great too.

Mindfulness practice? Yea or Nay?: Yes! But it can be anything…. Petting your dog, cooking, yoga, mediation.  Anything that makes you feel present and calm is so beneficial.

Words to live by/life philosophy: YOU are the only person you can change.

If I had known then what I know now, I would tell my younger self: What you focus on expands.  Life will always be filled with opportunities and challenges.  Shine your spotlight on the good and you will fill up your life with goodness.


Mica Diamond is an iPEC certified Life Coach and holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. She coaches individuals, families, groups and organizations, and runs workshops and coaching circles on career transition, career relaunch, parenting, stress reduction, relationships, work/life balance, and health & wellness.

Mica operates her practice from Westport CT, Sag Harbor NY, New York City and remotely via video conference/phone. Check out her website https://micadiamond.com to learn more.

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