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The Link Between Stress and Emotional Health: Key Insights to Know

In 1998, I attended my first training program with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM), and began a lifelong journey exploring and understanding how our emotions, thoughts, feelings, stress, and  trauma are dramatically linked to changes in our physical and mental health. There is no separation. Look below the surface of a physical illness and you will find stress, trauma, or emotional distress in varying degrees, sometimes going back many years.

Emotional wellness and stress

The same holds true for those with emotional or mental health issues.  There are almost always root causes to be found…sometimes physical (think nutritional for example), but often there is underlying stress or trauma to be unearthed and healed.

Working with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine

Over the years, I have worked extensively with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM), where I remain part of the Senior Teaching Faculty. During this time, I have traveled to support traumatized populations, including Haiti after the earthquake, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and Northern California following the wildfires. I’ve also worked with military personnel, veterans, first responders after 9/11, and health professionals facing severe burnout and daily trauma.

This deep understanding of the mind-body-stress-trauma connection has become an integral part of who I am and the lens through which I view the world. Over the past 20+ years, I have consistently witnessed how stress and trauma contribute to both physical and emotional illness in the people I treat in my medical practice.

Nutritional medicine for emotional health

When I opened Blum Center for Health almost 15 years ago and co-founded Organic Pharmer, my goal was always to bring Functional Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine and Nutritional Medicine all together under one roof. I have a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that yes, these are the services you will find when you explore our website or walk in our door and order from Organic Pharmer. But more importantly, this is that attitude and approach you will find as you work with all our providers, because this has now become the fabric of who WE are.

The Connection Between Stress, Trauma, and Adrenal Fatigue

Stress and trauma don’t just affect emotional and mental health—they also have profound impacts on our physical health, including the adrenal glands. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, a condition where prolonged exposure to stress disrupts hormone production, leaving you feeling exhausted and out of balance.

Tips on Fixing Adrenal Fatigue

Support for Emotional Wellness, Stress and Trauma 

To support our community and to offer tools for our patients to explore their mind-body connection and resolve underlying stress and past trauma, we offer many services that we invite you to take advantage of.  

  • Weekly meditation classes
  • Mind-body groups led by facilitators trained by CMBM
  • Health coaching for exploring stress and sleep with Melissa Rapoport
  • Ketamine consult and then treatment with Dr Greenman
  • We also work with local integrative psychiatrists and therapists for a team approach for optimal treatment outcomes.
  • We also use functional medicine to look for underlying causes of imbalances that affect your mood and emotional health, including optimizing gut microbiome, hormones, nutrient deficiencies, and more. 
  • At Organic Pharmer you will find nutrition and programs to help reset your internal systems. 

We’re here to help. If you are unsure of where to start, feel free to contact us at and we’d be happy to guide in the direction that fits your desired outcome.

About the Author

Cofounder of organic pharmer dr. susan blum
Dr. Susan Blum  is a Leading Functional Medicine Physician, founder of Blum Center for Health, and co-founder of Organic Pharmer. She is the author of the best-selling book The Immune System Recovery Plan and most recent book Healing Arthritis. Her expertise at Organic Pharmer ensures that every ingredient has a medical reason and health benefit and that every dish is nutritionally sound.

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